Education Documents
The Free Churches and Schools: a report - Life in all its Fullness
Transitions: Many churches have links with their local schools, and will also have children in their church groups, Brownies, Scouts, Pilots, Girls’ and Boys’ Brigade and other organisations. Children in year 6 are coming to the end of their time in primary school and will be moving to secondary school in September. Naturally, some of them will be anxious about this.
We encourage you to pray for these children.
We’ve produced a bookmark (text written by Yvonne Campbell, General Secretary of the Congregational Federation) that you can print out, possibly laminate, and give to the year 6 children you know, reassuring them that, whatever happens, and however anxious they feel, God is with them.
This bookmark is most suitable for children who have contact with a church.
We will shortly be producing another that may be useful for a more general audience, for example, if you are invited to lead collective worship in a primary school and wish to leave something with the children.
Further Education (FE)
The Free Churches and Further Education (FE): a report - Serving from the Margins
The Free Churches and Chaplaincy in FE: a report - A Neglected Opportunity?
Serving local communities - reaching out to further education providers
Case Studies
Higher Education (HE)
The Free Churches and Higher Education (HE): a report - Hope in Higher Education
The Free Churches and HE: towards a Free Church vision for HE
Relationships, Presence and Hope: University Chaplaincy during the COVID–19 Pandemic.
Branching Out - supporting young people who are going to university
Keeping in Touch - supporting young people who are at university
Making a Difference - supporting university students in your community
Home from Home - supporting university students in your church
You may also find the ideas and resources helpful on the links below:
SCM (the Student Christian Movement):
A gathering prayer for churches, schools, colleges and universities
[NB. Safeguarding notice: Most of the students going to university will be 18, but some of the young people involved in activities suggested in Branching Out and Keeping in Touch may be younger, and it is important that you follow your church’s safeguarding policy when organising activities. Some young people over the age of 18 may be vulnerable adults, and your safeguarding policy should include provision for these students. This is particularly important when considering mentoring schemes and organising hospitality. If you need further advice, please consult the safeguarding officer for your church or group.]