
FCG Privacy Policy

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FCG’s privacy policy has been updated and comes into effect from the 1st December 2020.

New statements have been added to cover Higher Education Chaplains, the use of Zoom/Eventbrite and cookies.

Should you have any questions about the updates, please contact FCG at


Each week, our very own Revd Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for the Free Churches, gathers and shares a range of supportive and informative communications with Healthcare Chaplains.

Although these are primarily aimed at those working in healthcare chaplaincy, many others may find the content encouraging and helpful in their life and ministry.

There is:

  • Fifty ways to take a break

  • Link to Interfaith week event on 11th Nov

  • Link to Post Grad Certificate in Psycho-Spiritual Care

You can find out more and explore these reflections and materials HERE.

Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.

(photo courtesy of Xan Griffin @ Unsplash)

Tea and chat - a get together for healthcare chaplains - dates for the rest of the year!

Rev Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare chaplaincy, warmly invites you to join her and other chaplains from across the sector, for Tea and Chat Zoom sessions - 3.30 to 4.30pm.

These are the dates for the rest of the year:

  • Friday 23rd October            

  • Wednesday 28th October

  • Friday 6th November           

  • Wednesday 11th November

  • Friday 20th November        

  • Wednesday 25th November  

  • Friday 4th December           

  • Wednesday 9th December

  • Friday 18th December         

  • Wednesday 23rd December

  • Wednesday 30th December

Friday Zoom Meeting ID:870 5327 8978 Password: 669993

Wednesday Zoom Meeting ID: 892 5230 8978 Password: 956743

To read more about the work of the Free Churches with healthcare chaplaincy:

(photo courtesy of Kowit Phothisan at Unsplash)

Fridays at 3.30pm - tea and chat for healthcare chaplains

As usual, we are pleased to say that Rev Meg Burton (pictured below) invites healthcare chaplains for Tea and Chat!

Every Friday afternoon between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Feel free to join for as short or as long a time as you wish.

A chance to 'chew the cud' about your week before going home for the weekend or a chat about anything.

Zoom meeting ID: 870 5327 8978.

Password: 669993

(photo courtesy of Miti at Unsplash)



Trauma and Response: A Theological Reflection, Free Webinar


Free Church Healthcare Chaplains Annual Study Day is an opportunity to step back, draw breath and reflect on the impact of the experience of trauma.

Wed, 4 November 2020
14:00 – 16:00 GMT

The Free Churches Group is hosting the Annual Healthcare Chaplains Study Day on the subject, "Trauma and Response: a theological reflection". This is an opportunity to step back, draw breath and reflect on the impact of the experience of trauma. Our thoughts will be led by Rev Sue Shortman, a Methodist Minister in the Birmingham District, with opportunities for discussion in break-out groups.

This event is organised by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Steering Committee on behalf of the Free Churches Group and is aimed at Free Church Chaplains, but others of different denominations, faith/belief groups, are welcome to attend.

This event will be held via Zoom. Booking is now open via Eventbrite here.

Login information will be sent to you by email nearer the time. For more information please contact Revd Meg Burton at

Programme details:

2:00pm Gathering and opening devotions

Song Be Still Hillsong Worship

2:15pm Session 1 Trauma and response

Looking at the story of Noah, particularly his wife and her role in the call they received and thinking about our response to trauma.

10 minutes break out session for Trauma and response

2:50pm Session 2 Waiting and surviving

How do we allow ourselves time to stop and wait and in that waiting find strategies for surviving, using Psalm 62 and a poem.

10 minutes break out session for Waiting and surviving

3:20pm Session 3 Transformation

Using the story of Pentecost and the experience of the disciples how are we transformed through our experiences?

10 minutes break out session for Transformation

3:45pm Closing devotions

Photo courtesy of Katherine McCormack at Unsplas