
We have a new Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy starting tomorrow!

Rev Meg Burton, who has been diligently serving for many months, as Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for the FCG, is pleased to announce that her successor has been appointed. May we take this opportunity to thank Meg for all of her hard work in this role as we usher in the new Secretary. We will, in due course, have the chance to thank Meg more fully, but for now, here is some background on Meg’s successor!

It is Rev. Dr. Mark Newitt (pictured below). Mark is an Anglican and has been a chaplain in Sheffield for 15 years, working at both the Teaching Hospital and, more recently, at St Luke's Hospice. Meg writes, “like many of us, Mark has been influenced by, and has experience of, several different denominations, both while he was growing up (Salvation Army, Methodist and Baptist) and since working as a healthcare chaplain.”

Mark has been one of the leaders of the Yorkshire and Humber Chaplaincy Research Group and is also Book Review Editor of the journal Health and Social Care Chaplaincy. He brings a wealth of experience and fresh eyes to the role.

Mark will begin working with us tomorrow and Meg will leave once he has settled in, so there will be time for a hand-over. Congratulations, Mark, and welcome!

Mark is looking forward to working with Free Church Healthcare chaplains and understands the theology, values and practice that have inspired the Free Churches for many centuries.
— Rev Paul Rochester, General Secretary of the FCG
Rev Dr Mark Newitt

Rev Dr Mark Newitt

Tea and chat - a time for healthcare chaplains to get together

Tea & Chat - for mutual support. A chance to chew over the week before you go home….. For the next few weeks, there will be sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday: 23rd February, 16th March, from 4-5pm.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 847 3526 3933; Passcode 499408

Wednesday: 10th February, 3rd March, 24th March, from 4-5pm.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 848 8989 8244; Passcode: 685885
18th February, 11th March, 1st April, from 4-5pm.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 884 0930 9600; Passcode: 750073

Come and share what is happening in your situation,

so that we can support one another.

Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy (pictured below), will host these events. Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.


(cover photo courtesy of Freddy Castro @ Unsplash)

"Dying Matters Week" 10th to 16th May 2021

Dying Matters is led by Hospice UK and aims to raise awareness of dying, death and bereavement.

Save the Date!

It's time to get the diaries out and save the date for Dying Matters Awareness Week 2021.

Running from 10 - 16 May, take part and join in the conversation about death, dying and bereavement. 

More details about the theme for this year and how to get involved will be published soon.

Revd Meg Burton, the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for Free Churches, plays an active role in this planning for and sharing issues for this awareness raising week.

Our mission is to create an open culture that talks about death and where people feel able to listen and support those who are plannning for end of life, who are dying and who have been bereaved.
— says the Dying Matters working group
Capture 7.PNG

(cover photo courtesy of Aaron Burden at Unsplash)

Healthcare chaplains - tea and chat...

Tea & Chat - for mutual support.

A chance to chew over the week before you go home…..

For the next few weeks, there will be sessions on both Wednesdays and Fridays from about 3.30pm to 5pm. Everyone is welcome.

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 892 5230 8978 Passcode: 956743

Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy (pictured below), will host these events. Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.

Rev Meg Burton

Rev Meg Burton

(cover photo courtesy of Manki Kim at Unsplash)

Healthcare chaplains - tea and chat

Tea & Chat for healthcare chaplains: a chance to get together and chew over the week before you go home.

Dates coming up soon!

Friday 18th December
Wednesday 23rd December
Wednesday 30th December
Friday 8th January
Friday 15th January

Links for joining these online events are:

Friday: Zoom Meeting ID:870 5327 8978 Password: 669993

Wednesday: Zoom Meeting ID: 892 5230 8978 Password: 956743

Meg Burton, Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy (pictured below), will host these events. Rev Mark Newitt will join FCG as the new Healthcare Secretary from mid January and Meg will post the dates for later in January at the beginning of the new year.

Meg provides the leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy work at a national level for the Free Churches as well as in a multi-faith context.

(cover photo courtesy of Hello Light Bulb at Unsplash)

Rev Meg Burton

Rev Meg Burton