The EXPLORING HEALTHCARE CHAPLAINCY, Autumn 2021 course flyer and handbook, which is run by Network for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious Care in Health.
The Network for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious Care in Health (NPSRCH) aims to promote and support high quality, person-centred, pastoral, spiritual, and religious care in acute and community healthcare settings. We value, welcome, and seek to encourage diversity in Healthcare Chaplaincy. The NPSRCH currently includes representatives of Healthcare Chaplaincy organisations from twelve different religion and belief traditions. See
The Autumn 2021 course will consist of four half-day sessions of talks and discussion using the Zoom platform.
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
This course is designed for people who are wondering whether healthcare chaplaincy volunteering is for them. It is for those who are considering volunteering in a hospital or community healthcare setting and can also be valuable for those who are already volunteering. The course explores what it means to be part of a Healthcare Chaplaincy team in the 21st Century, where pastoral, spiritual, and religious care is offered to patients and staff in a multi-faith-and-belief context.
The course is for people from different religions and beliefs and offers an opportunity for the sharing of ideas and opinions across those religions and beliefs. The tutors are experienced healthcare chaplains from different religion and belief traditions.
The Autumn 2021 cohort is subsidised by NHS England and there is no fee on this occasion.
For further information and application details please contact . Those who complete the course will receive a Completion Certificate. APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY SEPTEMBER 1ST 2021.