Every school a prayed-for school — Free Churches Group

Every school a prayed-for school

The Free Churches Group has been an active partner with Pray for Schools for many years.

The Steering Group of Pray for Schools met earlier in March to pray for and plan for how to engage even more churches in praying for our schools.

Does your church pray for the local schools?

Would you like to find out more? Check out the latest events, resources and news HERE.

Pray for Schools Fortnight is coming up soon - 16-29 May. Find out more and how to get involved HERE.

The steering group is made up of many Christian groups who are involved in education, some of whom are featured in the photo from our latest meeting, which includes partners/guests from:

Open The Book

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Youth for Christ


Church of England

Scripture Union


You can read more about the work that FCG are doing in the field of education HERE.