This week is my final week of working for the Free Churches Group. I began my involvement with FCG over 6 years ago, as a member of the Free Church Education Committee Further Education (FE) Working Group (some members of which are pictured below). I had heard about the work of this group through my ministry with the Congregational Federation and was delighted to be able to support this work. It was a privilege to serve as a volunteer on this group. There are some really helpful documents, inspiring prayers and support materials for churches engaging with FE that you may be interested in, which are the fruits of the labours of the Working Group - you can access them HERE. A vacancy, to work as Education Assistant, came up and I was successful in my application; it was an honour to work alongside Sarah Lane Cawte, and the FCEC, with our work with churches, schools, colleges and universities. There has been such a diverse range of reports, resources and activities undertaken by the Committee and so if you are interested in finding out more, do have a look HERE.
I have also been involved in the dynamic and engaging life and witness of the Pray for Schools network - who regularly host in person and online prayer events across the nations of the UK. You can find out more about their prayer ministry and find ways that you and your church can get involved HERE.
For the last couple of years, I have been able to continue and extend my work with FCG, being employed as Media Support Officer. This has enabled me to support, not only the work of the the Education Officer, but support the vital ministries of our Healthcare Chaplaincy and Prisons Chaplaincy work.
I have a true heart for prayer and invite you to join in the prayers for Prisons Week, running through until 16th October - you can pray with us by downloading the prayers HERE.
I have greatly enjoyed getting more involved in how FCG are able to support healthcare chaplains and you can read more about what FCG do to support those engaged with spiritual care for all in healthcare settings HERE.
I have been able to support some of the admin and promotion of the Anti-Racist RE resources developed and written by RE Today Services. If you are involved in teaching RE or working with children and young people in your churches, these materials are a timely, thought-provoking and crucial set of resources that can be downloaded, for free, HERE.
The crucial and enlightening work FCG have been able to undertake with partners and churches across England, as part of the Commission, with Theos, is well worth a look, if you have not already come across this. I was delighted to be able to play a small part in the launch and promotion of this work on behalf of FCG: The Church and Social Cohesion: Connecting Communities and Serving People. There are How To guides for churches too on supporting and developing your own work, locally, for social cohesion.
Looking back over the last six years, I have had the privilege to be meet and work with some amazing people from all backgrounds and pray with, be encouraged by and be an encourager to many friends and colleagues. All the work I have done has been part of an excellent team effort with colleagues, volunteers, pastors, preachers, teachers, pray-ers, chaplains and ministers.
I will continue to pray for the staff and members of the Free Churches Group and for the work of Paul R., Sarah, Bob, Mark, Paul G., Eric, Thandar, Sabina, our current and future Moderators, Hugh and Helen; I know I take your prayers with me. At our team meeting this morning, our General Secretary, Rev Paul Rochester, opened in prayer with these words from Psalm 73:23-4:
“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel.”
Wherever we are able to serve God and whatever changes we are going through, we can all be assured of God’s presence in our lives. I am moving on to work as a partnership manager for a mental health charity in the county where I live. I pray that God’s counsel will guide me in this new work, as I continue to pray that the work of FCG will held and guided by God, as they continue to work to promote a faithful witness in the public square. Amen
Some of the members of the FCEC FE Working Group at a meeting in Nov 2017 - from left to right: Rev. Lester Freckleton, Rev. Alistair Smeaton, Professor Graham Handscomb, Rev. Sara Iles, Dr. John Wise, Anthony Alderman.
Photo of me, on my way to lead a Harvest Festival service last month, at the Congregational Federation Church, Bethlehem, Blaenavon, in Wales
(cover photo courtesy of Yingchih at Unsplash)