Free Churches Group are an active prayer partner in the work and mission of Pray for Schools, along with many other groups who have a heart for prayer and love our schools.
It has been amazing and such an encouragement to all to be able to pray alongside Christians from across England and Wales, at Zoom gatherings, during the last few months.
We have had an excellent range of contributors who have been able to share news about our schools and support us in what needs our prayers and care. This has helped to guide our prayers during the meeting and make these shared times very powerful in both prayer and fellowship. At our next prayer, we are delighted to say we will be joined and guided in prayer by staff from Scripture Union and Association of Christian Teachers.
On 16th July, we will be gathering once more between 12.30 - 1.15 P.M. and all are welcome. It is open to all, but booking is required.
“Pray for Schools’ vision is for ‘every school to be a prayed for school. At this time we need to do this with faith, hope and love. That’s the vision of Pray for Schools: to mobilise Christians to support their school communities through prayer. All over the UK, groups of parents, teachers or schools workers meet on a regular basis to pray for their local schools. Join us for one of our online events as we gather together in prayer for our schools. ”
(cover photo courtesy of Abel Marquez at Unsplash)